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Special Installations

Node global version

To set the default Node version to be used by nvm:

  1. Run the following command in your terminal, replacing <version> with the Node version number you want to set as the default: nvm alias default <version>. For example, to use Node 18:
nvm alias default 18
  1. Create a .nvmrc file in your project root directory with the Node version in its content, so the new version will be set when you run nvm use or when a Terminal is opened in your favorite code editor (e.g. Visual Studio Code or For example:

File: .nvmrc

  1. Create a .nvmrc file in your user's home directory with the Node version and add the commands on the shell starter script, so the new version will be set when a new Terminal window is opened. For example:


File: /Users/$USER/.zshrc or /Users/$USER/.bashrc


File: /home/$USER/.bashrc or /home/$USER/.profile

Add this lines:

# To set the Node version when new Terminal window is opened
if [ -f "./.nvmrc" ]; then
    nvm use

And create the .nvmrc file mentioned earlier in the user's home directory: /Users/$USER or /home/$USER.


Install from Git repositories

To install any of the the backend solutions (Core, AI, etc) from a specific branch in the Git repositories, e.g. "branch_x":


pip install git+
pip install git+


pipenv install git+
pipenv install git+


poetry add git+
poetry add git+

To install the backend scripts from a specific branch in the Git repositories, e.g. "branch_x":

npm install tomkat-cr/genericsuite-be-scripts#branch_x

Install from local directory

To install any of the the backend solutions (Core, AI, etc) from a local directory:


pip install ../genericsuite-be
pip install ../genericsuite-be-ai


pipenv install ../genericsuite-be
pipenv install ../genericsuite-be-ai


poetry add ../genericsuite-be
poetry add ../genericsuite-be-ai

To install the backend scripts from a local directory:

npm install ../genericsuite-be-scripts


Install from Git repositories

From the main branch:

npm install tomkat-cr/genericsuite-fe
npm install tomkat-cr/genericsuite-fe-ai

From a specific branch:

npm uninstall generisuite
npm install tomkat-cr/genericsuite-fe#branch_name
npm uninstall generisuite-ai
npm install tomkat-cr/genericsuite-fe-ai#branch_name


  • When you've made changes to any of the GenericSuite frontend libraries code, perform a make pre-publish to rebuild the dist directory files before the Git commit and push, because those files are the ones used when the parent project use (installs) the libraries. Then reinstall the changed library in the parent project using the npm install tomkat-cr/genericsuite-fe... command.